Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week 1, Lesson 5: Rules of the Game

Now that you understand you can't be a Globetrotter in a week, its time to go over the rules of the game.

The most important rule of the game is to pay the least amount possible. Not to get everything free, because that would be just impossible. Some things may never go on sale, so set yourself the reasonable goal to save on everything you can, as much as you can.

The next rule of couponing is to not be brand specific, if possible. If you only like Dove shampoo, you will only really save if you buy Dove shampoo because if you buy Nicole's Totally Awesome shampoo and it works well, like poo, you are going to throw it out. Even if you spent just .25 on my shampoo, if you don't use it, you really just wasted a quarter. If you are brand specific, own it, its better that way. However if you are not brand specific and you will use any shampoo then you can get every brand and save on every brand. You don't have to wait for those Dove coupons, and what if you miss them? Then you have to pay full price which is in direct violation of rule one!If you are allergic to every brand but one, obviously only buy that brand but if you don't care between Colgate and Crest then you can get both for free and double your savings.

The third rule, stockpile. Notice how I said stockpile and not hoard? There is a difference. A stockpile is a supply of things that you got free or super cheap, enough to last you until they go on sale again. You don't need to get enough so that you never have to buy again. Most people think 6-12 months is a sufficient enough stockpile. Some also consider it their insurance policy and emergency stash against illness. I think it's both. Nothing will make you grateful for your stockpile than sickness or injury. If you get a cold, you are going to think the Coupon God that you have enough cough syrup, cough drops and tissues to last through your cold. If your kiddo gets a fever at 3am on the night your spouse it out of town, you are going to love having children's Tylenol a few feet away. Do you need enough to last through your kids and their kids? No. If a sudden job loss or death does occur, you won't have to shop which could mean the difference in paying the mortgage or not. If those reasons weren't enough to make you clean out a closet and start stockpiling, then let me explain why everyone needs to do it on some level. Coupons aren't predictable totally but they are a little bit. Sales and coupons have cycles. Some months you will see toothpaste free, and then some months you won't. You want to get them on sale so you need to have enough until the next cycle. Every so often a company will have a new razor, and will issue crazy high value coupons where you get paid to take them home. Always take advantage of money makers! They help pay for the things you didn't get a great deal on. If you don't like the product you made money on, donate it.  A small stockpile in a garage, closet or shed is great. If your house has more products than Walmart...you need therapy.

The fourth rule of couponing, it's totally ok to ask for coupons. If you have a specific diet and eat a certain brand but never see coupons, as the company for them! Some people have gotten coupons for free boxes of diapers simply for asking. Look on their website, Facebook page, or their parent companies sites for coupons they issue themselves, if all else fails write them or call them.Tell them you love their product and would love to keep buying it, could they send you some coupons. Most companies will gladly reward your loyalty.

The fifth rule is be educated but nice. If you shop at a store, know their coupon policy. You might even have to print it and take it with you. Big box stores that um have WALLS don't always train their employees well. Just knowing their policy means you might know more than them. If you think the cashier is wrong, you can either pay and go to customer service or you can ask for a manager. Show them the policy, nicely. Don't be rude, don't have an attitude, remember it's often not the cashier's fault for how they were trained.

The last rule, is just be nice!! Be nice to the people behind you, if you know you are going to use 40 coupons, just give the people behind you a heads up. Giving them the choice to pick another line is the difference between someone glaring at you and them applauding you. If they stay in your line, that's their choice. Being nice also means not picking out the express line unless your products AND coupons are under the limit. For example if the limit is 20, and you have 15 items and 15 coupons you are really making the cashier scan 30 items so pick a regular line. If you are at a store and are doing 5 transaction and there is a line, do a transaction and then go to the back of the line. Yes, it will take more time and is a pain, but it's a worse pain being stuck behind someone at CVS doing five transactions when you really need that Pepto like now. Be nice to fellow shoppers.If you have 400 toothbrush coupons, don't be afraid to use them, just place a special order. You can order 400 toothbrushes and they will keep them in the back for you, you won't clear the shelves. Just above all else be courteous.


  1. So far this is my favorite post. As a former cashier it is true that you don't get trained on policy at every store so being kind to the cashier will get you much further than being rude ��

    1. I agree!! And thanks for the feedback, I am glad you are enjoying the blog!

  2. Hi there! I live your blog! I have learned so much! I have always wondered if I could use store coupons in conjunction with manufacturer coupons. I believe the rule at local Krogers is no, but if I understand your blog the rule at CVS and Target is yes? I am so excited to learn more!

  3. Welcome Dauhnna! I'm so glad it's helping you. I am not fortunate to have a Kroger near me so sadly I'm not well versed in their policies. I did find this number for you to call and ask your store's policies. https://www.kroger.com/topic/contact-us
    Target and CVS do allow one store coupon and one manufacturer coupon which makes for some really great deals. Let me know what Kroger says!
